Farming Forward - Director - David Dow

David Dow currently resides on the farm his dad bought in 1974, He now farms that land with his family. David's family, including his 5 grandkids all live nearby.

David bought Bourkes Farm Equipment (new Holland dealers) and started a fertilizer business in 1987. It ran for 34 years, having locations in Onoway and Mayerthorpe.

David sold the business and now focuses on the cow/calf operation taking care of 70 head. They also pasture 450 acres and make their own feed.

 David and his family also have been raising quarter horses for the last 12 years and have a band of 35 brood mares.

What specific challenges are you currently facing on your farm that you believe research could address?

With all the information being bombarded at us , I believe research and inquiring about farming products and different approaches are a great help to producers who can get this information from Farming forward 

Industry trends and opportunities: Having Farming Forward gives producers an avenue to do research and get information that has been researched locally and is relevant to our operations.

What are some trends and opportunities within agriculture today?

Farming Forward should be interested in and always learn about any new trends that interest our membership. We should talk to our members weekly, get suggestions, and ask them questions about trends and new farming industry products and services.


Dr. Kubota Hiroshi, Research Scientist in sustainable crop production at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lacombe.


Farming Forward - Director - Wayne Strochinski